Psihologie Piatra Neamt reprezinta pagina unde puteti gasi informatii utile despre Psihologie Piatra Neamt: Cabinet psihoterapie Piatra Neamt - Mihaela Gemine.
Cabinet individual de Psihoterapie Piatra-Neamt
Psiholog Psihoterapeut Mihaela Gemine - psihoterapie adleriana, psihologie clinica
Despre mine
Cabinet Individual de Psihoterapie - Mihaela Gemine va ofera servicii de consiliere si psihoterapie individuala sau de grup pentru copii, adolescenti si adulti. Toate problemele, ideile, emotiile, fricile clientului isi gasesc dreptul la exprimare, analiza si intelegere. Scopul este ca in relatie cu terapeutul, clientul sa isi poata pune intrebarile potrivite; astfel noi raspunsuri se pot transforma in solutii eficiente de viata. Durata terapiei poate varia in functie de fiecare caz si de nevoile fiecaruia.
Psihoterapia consta intr-o serie de tehnici care au ca scop tratarea sanatatii mentale, emotionale, precum si unele afectiuni psihiatrice. Psihoterapia ajuta pacientul sa inteleaga care sunt factorii ce le determina starile si ii ajuta sa accepte punctele slabe, dar si cele forte. Daca oamenii isi pot identifica sentimentele si modalitatea in care percep viata, le este mai usor sa faca fata situatiilor dificile.
Fiecare dintre noi are sau poate avea in familie persoane cu afectiuni psihice mai mult sau mai putin vizibile. Depresia, anxietatea, au devenit probleme cotidiene, care adesea ii indeparteaza pe oameni unii de altii, de societate, de sansa de a avea o viata implinita. Doar trecand peste prejudecata ca boala psihica e o rusine si vazand in suferinta semenilor nostrii strigatul lor de ajutor, vom castiga batalia cu aceste afectiuni. Pentru a fi eficiente serviciile de sanatate mentala trebuie sa fie aproape de comunitate si usor accesibile pentru cei ce au nevoie de ele.
Serrvicii oferite:
Curriculum vitae
Personal information
Full name Mihaela Gemine
Address PIATRA-NEAMT, Str. Orhei No 8, bl. V3, entrance C, apt. 77, ROMANIA; code: 610256
Telephone(s) +40233.223.109 Mobile: +40745.625.818 ; +40730.480.494
E-mail(s) ;
Marital Status married; two children aged 12 and 8 , respectively;
Date of birth 21.11.1975
Health excellent
Personal qualities understanding and desire to help, to teach others;
Work experience
Dates March 2012 – to date
Occupation or position held Adlerian Psychotherapist
Name and address of employer Individual Cabinet of psychology
Type of business or sector Private practice
Dates November 2009 – to date
Occupation or position held Chairperson and Psychologist
Main activities and responsibilities managing and coordinating accounting and finances; liaising with competent State authorities
Name and address of employer Foundation “W.K.M.S. - Sa-i ajutam iubindu-i”
Type of business or sector non-profit; charity
Dates November 2000 - November 2009
Occupation or position held Chairperson and Social worker
Name and address of employer Foundation “W.K.M.S. - Sa-i ajutam iubindu-i”
Type of business or sector non-profit; charity
Dates June 2002 - December 2002
Occupation or position held Social worker
Name and address of employer Caritas Association - Branch of Roman; Project: “Da viata si familiei” [Give life to the family, too”]
Type of business or sector non-profit; charity
Dates June 1999 - November 2000
Occupation or position held Social worker
Name and address of employer SC CLASSIC S.A. Piatra-Neamt;
Type of business or sector non-profit; charity
Dates September 1999 - June 2000
Occupation or position held Volunteer
Name and address of employer Caritas Association - Branch of Piatra-Neamt; Project: “Doppo scuola”
Type of business or sector non-profit; charity
Education and training
Dates 2008 - 2011
Title of qualification awarded training programme
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered training in Adlerian psychology and psychotherapy;
Name and type of organisation providing education and training Association for Adlerian Psychology and Psychotherapy in Romania [APPAR];
Dates 2009 - 2011
Title of qualification awarded Master Degree
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered post-graduate education
Name and type of organisation providing education and training “Petre Andrei” University in Iasi; major: clinical psychology;
Dates 2006 - 2009
Title of qualification awarded Degree Diploma
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered tertiary education
Name and type of organisation providing education and training “Petre Andrei” University in Iasi; major: psychology;
Dates 1998 - 2000
Title of qualification awarded Certificate of Accounting
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Post - secondary education
Name and type of organisation providing education and training “Dimitrie Cantemir” Post-Secondary School ; major: finances - accounting;
Dates 1995 - 1998
Title of qualification awarded Certificate of Social Work ;
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Post - secondary education
Name and type of organisation providing education and training “Vasile Lupu” normal School in Iasi; major: theology - social work;;
Dates 1989 - 1994
Title of qualification awarded Certificate of high School Leaving Examination;
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered secondary education
Name and type of organisation providing education and training “Petru Rares” high School in Piatra-Neamt; major: biology - chemistry;;
Other professional training
26 July - 31 July 2015 ICASSI Ireland, Dublin (International Committee for Adlerian Summer Schools and Institutes);
Training course: “ Fundamental of Individual Psychology ”;
Trainer : Callus Joyce - Malta ;
26 July - 31 July 2015 ICASSI Ireland, Dublin (International Committee for Adlerian Summer Schools and Institutes);
Training course: “ Individual Psychology and Parenting ”;
Trainer : Callus Joyce - Malta ;
3 August – 7 August 2015 ICASSI Ireland, Dublin (International Committee for Adlerian Summer Schools and Institutes);
Training course: “ Suicidal Behaviour ”;
Trainer : Karen John – United Kingdom
3 August – 7 August 2015 ICASSI Ireland, Dublin (International Committee for Adlerian Summer Schools and Institutes);
Training course: “ Mindfulness and Spirituality ”;
Trainer : Richard E. Watts Ph.D., LPC – S, President of North American Society for Adlerian
Psychology ( NASAP ), Distinguished Professor of Counseling, Professor and Director of the
Resources and Doctoral Studies Centre in Educational Counselling, Sam Houston State University,
Texas, USA ;
17 – 19 November 2014 Association for Adlerian Psychology and Psychotherapy in Romania [APPAR];
Workshop of Adlerian Psychology: “Adolescence beyond the storm. Principles Adlerian psychotherapy”
Trainer: Frank X. Walton, Adlerian Ph.D.,Psychologist and Consultant, USA;
28 July - 1 August 2014 ICASSI United Kingdom (International Committee for Adlerian Summer Schools and Institutes);
Training course: “ Neurosis from an Individual Psychology Perspective ”;
Trainer : Dr Zivit Abramson ;
28 July - 1 August 2014 ICASSI United Kingdom (International Committee for Adlerian Summer Schools and Institutes);
Training course: “Coaching for life ”;
Trainer : Jay Colker ;
20 July - 25 July 2014 ICASSI United Kingdom (International Committee for Adlerian Summer Schools and Institutes);
Training course:” Llifestyle Analysis Using Family Constellation ”;
Trainer : Yvonne Shurer, Psychologist FH, Psychotherapist, Switzerland ;
20 July - 25 July 2014 ICASSI United Kingdom (International Committee for Adlerian Summer Schools and Institutes);
Training course: “Encouragement ”;
Trainer : Yoav Shoham ;
10 Mai 2014 Association of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies in Romania
Continuous professional training course “Modern techniques of cognitive and behavioral psychotherapies "third wave" of cognitive restructuring techniques”
Trainer: Daniel David , Ph.D.,
8 November 2013 International Center for Resources and Training Alfred Adler [CIRFAA];
Workshop of Adlerian Psychology: “ Adaptive reorientation therapy for adults ”
Trainer: Paul Rasmussen, Ph.D., Psychologist, office of Veterans Affairs, USA;
28 July - 3 August 2013 ICASSI Netherlands (International Committee for Adlerian Summer Schools and Institutes);
Training course: “ Dreams ”;
Trainer : Gerhard Baumer, Dip.Psychology, Psychotherapist and Trainer, Germany;
28 July - 3 August 2013 ICASSI Netherlands (International Committee for Adlerian Summer Schools and Institutes);
Training course: “ Psychology in the workplace ”;
Trainer : Eva Dreikurs Ferguson, Ph.D., Professor, southern Ilinois University, USA;
21 - 27 July 2013 ICASSI Netherlands (International Committee for Adlerian Summer Schools and Institutes);
Training course: “ Spirituality ”;
Trainer : Richard E. Watts Ph.D., LPC – S, President of North American Society for Adlerian
Psychology ( NASAP ), Distinguished Professor of Counseling, Professor and Director of the
Resources and Doctoral Studies Centre in Educational Counselling, Sam Houston State University,
Texas, USA;
21 - 27 July 2013 ICASSI Netherlands (International Committee for Adlerian Summer Schools and Institutes);
Training course: “ PlayTherapy ”;
Trainer : Richard E. Watts Ph.D., LPC – S, President of North American Society for Adlerian
Psychology ( NASAP ), Distinguished Professor of Counseling, Professor and Director of the
Resources and Doctoral Studies Centre in Educational Counselling, Sam Houston State University,
Texas, USA;
28 – 30 June 2013 International Center for Resources and Training Alfred Adler [CIRFAA];
Workshop of Adlerian Psychology: “ Metaphor as a key of change ”
Trainer: Mia Levitt Frank, Israel ;
20 – 21 April 2013 Institute of Adlerian Psychology and Psychotherapy [IPPA];
Continuous professional training on “Psychotherapy disorders induced by shame. Gelotophobia.
Pinocchio Complex. Humortherapy .”;
Trainer: Michael Titze, Ph.D., Germany;
19 – 20 November 2012 Association for Adlerian Psychology and Psychotherapy in Romania [APPAR];
Workshop of Adlerian Psychology: “ Using early memories in assessing lifestyle ”
Trainer: Paul Rasmussen, Ph.D., Psychologist, office of Veterans Affairs, USA;
22 - 28 July 2012 ICASSI Lithuania (International Committee for Adlerian Summer Schools and Institutes);
Training course: “Enhancing Social Interest ”;
Trainer : Yvonne Shurer, Psychologist FH, Psychotherapist, Switzerland;
22 - 28 July 2012 ICASSI Lithuania (International Committee for Adlerian Summer Schools and Institutes);
Training course: “ER’s and Lifestyle Assesment ”;
Trainer : Paul Rasmussen, Ph.D., Psychologist, office of Veterans Affairs, USA;
15 - 21 July 2012 ICASSI Lithuania (International Committee for Adlerian Summer Schools and Institutes);
Training course: “Integrative Strategies & Interventions in Adlerian Therapy ”;
Trainer : Richard E. Watts Ph.D., LPC – S, President of North American Society for Adlerian
Psychology ( NASAP ), Distinguished Professor of Counseling, Professor and Director of the
Resources and Doctoral Studies Centre in Educational Counselling, Sam Houston State University,
Texas, USA;
28 – 29 April 2012 Institute of Adlerian Psychology and Psychotherapy [IPPA];
Continuous professional training on “Theory and practice in family counseling”;
Trainer: Frank X. Walton, Adlerian Ph.D.,Psychologist and Consultant, USA;
March - April 2012 Association for Adlerian Psychology and Psychotherapy in Romania [APPAR];
Workshop on Adlerian Psychotherapy: “Finding a way : book about loss, grief, grieving and reconciliation ”
Trainer: Wes Wingett PhD, USA;
1 April 2012 Association for Adlerian Psychology and Psychotherapy in Romania [APPAR];
Adlerian psychotherapy conference with theme “Connection and Cooperation” – An Adlerian approach of coexistence and work with people suffering from autistic spectrum disorders
Trainer : Anthea Millar, Adlerian psychotherapist;
February - September 2012 Romanian Association for Cognitive and Behavior Psychotherapy ,Romanian Angel Appeal
Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Protection - Child Protection Department
Training course:”Therapeutic interventions in the recovery of people with autism spectrum disorder. Fundamentals (supervised practice)” within the project "And they should have a chance”;
20 – 22 January 2012 Romanian Association of Projective Psychodiagnosis
Workshop on Clinical Psychology : “Clinical evaluation of the child with fables Duss Test and the Thematic apperception tests for children”
Trainer: Elena Otilia Vladislav, University Lecturer. Dr, Romania;
14 – 19 January 2012 Romanian Association for Cognitive and Behavior Psychotherapy ,Romanian Angel Appeal
Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Protection - Child Protection Department
Training course:”Therapeutic interventions in the recovery of people with autism spectrum disorder. Fundamentals (practical therapeutic applications)” within the project "And they should have a chance”;
31 July - 6 August 2011 ICASSI Switzerland (International Committee for Adlerian Summer Schools and Institutes);
Training course: “Addictions”;
Trainer: Dr Jim Holder PhD, USA;
31 July - 6 August 2011 ICASSI Switzerland (International Committee for Adlerian Summer Schools and Institutes);
Training course: “Gender and Men’s Issues”;
Trainer: Dr Bill Linden PhD, USA; Professor Emeritus - Philosophy, author, University of Southern Illinois, USA;
31 July - 6 August 2011 ICASSI Switzerland (International Committee for Adlerian Summer Schools and Institutes);
Training course: “Couples Psychotherapy”;
Trainers: Dr Betty Lou Bettner PhD, Psychotherapist - Adlerian psychotherapy; author,, Holyu Family University Graduate School, Newtown, PA, USA - and Dr Rachel Shifron PhD - psychologist, certified counsellor: family, couple, vocational therapy and specialist in addictions, Israel;
October 2010 Association for Adlerian Psychology and Psychotherapy in Romania [APPAR];
Training course: “Working techniques in psychotherapeutic practice”;
Trainer: Ramona Covrig, Adlerian psychotherapist;
18-23 July 2010 ICASSI Romania (International Committee for Adlerian Summer Schools and Institutes);
Training course: “Managing Life Transitions”;
Trainer: Marion Balla, Med - psychotherapist and counsellor, international trainer, director of Aldlerian consulting and counselling group, Inc. Ottawa, Canada;
18-23 July 2010 ICASSI Romania (International Committee for Adlerian Summer Schools and Institutes);
Training course: “Managing Life Transitions”;
Trainer: Erika Echle, Adlerian counsellor, trainer and professor in Adlerian education, Switzerland;
18-23 July 2010 ICASSI Romania (International Committee for Adlerian Summer Schools and Institutes);
Training course: “Clinical Topic form an Adlerian Point of View”;
Trainer: Richard E. Watts PhD, chairperson of NASAP, Professor and Director of the Resources and Doctoral Studies Centre in Educational Counselling, Sam Houston State university, Texas, USA;
18-23 July 2010 ICASSI Romania (International Committee for Adlerian Summer Schools and Institutes);
Training course: “Journeying Through Grief and Loss”;
Trainer: Margaret Nimmo-Smith B.A, psychotherapist, accredited counsellor, Adlerian trainer in Cambridge UK;
March - April 2011 Association for Adlerian Psychology and Psychotherapy in Romania [APPAR];
Workshop on Adlerian Psychotherapy: “Privacy: a task for two”
Trainer: Wes Wingett PhD, USA;
May 2010 International Conference : Psychological and Educational Counselling, Piatra-Neamt;
Workshop: “Understanding teenagers”
Trainer: Cristina Starica, psychotherapist, & Mirela Pintilie, Educational Counsellor;
April 2010 Association for Adlerian Psychology and Psychotherapy in Romania [APPAR];
Workshop on Adlerian Psychotherapy: “Developing lifestyle in teenagers and adults”
Trainer: Wes Wingett PhD, USA;
April 2009 Association for Adlerian Psychology and Psychotherapy in Romania [APPAR];
Workshop on Adlerian Psychotherapy: “Reveries, dreams, themes of lifestyle”
Trainer: Wes Wingett PhD, USA;
August 2008 Association for Adlerian Psychology and Psychotherapy in Romania [APPAR];
Workshop on “Enriching the couple relationships”;
Trainer: Ramona Covrig, Adlerian psychotherapist;
May 2008 Association for Adlerian Psychology and Psychotherapy in Romania [APPAR];
Training course: Child Psychotherapy Module: “The Couple - Children - Family”;
Trainer: Adriana Pacurar, Adlerian psychotherapist;
March 2005 The Roman Catholic Bishopric Roman;
Training course: “Family, you become what you are: living community and love”;
July 2004 “Princess Margareta of Romania” Foundation, “King Baudouin” Foundation, and the International Foundation for the Child and the Family [FICF]
Training course: “Mobilizing community support in order to ensure sustainability of services” within the programme “A child, a family”;
May 2001 UNICEF Romania, ANPC and Holt International Children’s Services Romania;
Training course: “Consolidating Families in Romania by Developing Parental Skills”;
February - May 2000 International Foundation for the Child and the Family [FICF], Medecins du Monde, and DJPC Neamt;
Training course on preventing child abuse
1998 The Roman Catholic Bishopric Iasi
License - teaching Catholic religion to primary school students
1994 - 1995 S.C. CONT -EXPERT BACAU;
Bookkeeping training course;
Personal and professional development
19 November 2011 5 hours - personal and professional development
11 June 2011 10 hours - personal and professional development
14 May 2011 10 hours - personal and professional development
14 - 18 March 2011 16 hours - personal and professional development
2008 - 2011 154 hours - personal and professional development
Scientific Research Experience with Publications
April 2011 National Symposium “KREATIKON” Iasi, 8th edition;
Paper submitted: “Logical consequence - an approach to individual psychology” - Section: Good practice models in school activity;
May 2010 Psychological and Education Conference - Piatra-Neamt;
Paper submitted: “Redirecting dysfunctional thinking of the child by means of psychological therapy; Section: Psychological Counselling;;
April 2010 National Symposium “KREATIKON” Iasi, 7th edition;
Paper submitted: “Automatic thinking and depression episodes of institutionalised children” - Section: Issues of CES/CEX;
September - October 2005 Organiser and co-trainer in “WKMS - Sa-i ajutam iubindu-i” Foundation Piatra-Neamt
Training course: “How to become better parents”;
April - June 1998 Initiator and coordinator of Intervention Project Education for all” in “Vasile Lupu” High School Iasi;
April - June 1998 Coordinating member of the Counselling practice in “Vasile Lupu” High School Iasi;
December 1996 Participant in paper presentation session “Vasile Lupu” High School Iasi;
Paper submitted: “Issues of integrating children from Children’s Home Copou in “Vasile Lupu” School Iasi;
December 1995 “Vasile Lupu” High School in Iasi; Paper Presentation
Paper submitted: “Case Study - dyslalia”;
Articles, Publications
December 2014 Article : Response to the letters “About Gelosy ” published in the magazine “Familia si viata”, Column: Family - the Fiancés, Roman, 4th year, December 2014;
March - April 2013 Article: “After I Get Married, I'll Change for Me” published in the magazine “Familia si viata”, Column: Family - the Fiancés, Roman, 3rd year, Nos. 2;
March - April 2012 Article: “Choosing a Life Partner” published in the magazine “Familia si viata”, Column: Family - the Fiancés, Roman, 2nd year, Nos. 2;
November - December 2011 Article: “Steps Towards Reconciliation - Meanings of Forgiveness” published in the magazine “Familia si viata”, Column: Family - the Elderly, Roman, 1st year, Nos. 11-12;
July - August 2011 Article: “Let’s Grow Old Beautifully” published in the magazine “Familia si viata”, Column: Family - the Elderly, Roman, 1st year, Nos. 7-8;
March 2011 co-author with Livia Mihaela Gheorghiu
Article: “Souls of Children” published in the magazine “Familia si viata”, Column: Family - the Elderly, Roman, 1st year, No. 4;
Attendance to manifestations without publications
October 2010 Third National Conference of Psycho Geriatrics “Diagnosis of Hope”, Piatra-Neamt;
June 2009 International Conference “Mifne Model - Window of Opportunities”, Piatra-Neamt; Dr. Hanna Alonim, expert in autism;
2008 Fifth National Symposium of Creativity “KREATIKON”, Iasi;
April 2007 International Scientific Session organised by PPetre Andrei” University in Iasi and Family Psychologists Association in Iasi, Piatra-Neamt,
July 2011 Member NASAP (North American Society of Adlerian Psychology);
December 2009 Member of “Family and Life” Association, Roman;
2000 Chair of “WKMS - Sa-i ajutam iubindu-i” Foundation, Piatra-Neamt;
Personal skills and competences
Mother tongue Romanian
Other language(s)
Self-assessment Understanding Speaking Writing
European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
English B2 Independent user B2 Independent user B2 Independent user B2 Independent user B2 Independent user
Italian B2 Independent user B2 Independent user B2 Independent user B2 Independent user B2 Independent user
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Interests/Hobbies ICASSI
Organisational skills and competences mountain hiking, travelling,
working with children,
symphonic music, opera, theatre and ballet
art and nature in general